Monday, February 23, 2015

Only look foward, never look back

This trip was amazing, and I didn't have any time to stop and look back because there was way to much to see. I definitely will be heading up to San Fran soon to visit all the spots I didn't get to see. It was an on and off Rainy day per usual up there, so I decided to wear a shaggy crop coat to take on and off when cold. We went up to this amazing spot to look at the bridge called Krissy's field and there was a field of daisy's and dandelions, so I decided to wear a dress to match the occasions. Not to mention we blasted Benni Benassi the whole trip. Good times, and can not wait for outside lands! not to mention the other festivals near by like Coachella .. anyone going ?! and is any one going to Burning Man this year ?! they are having a rave on a moving air craft kind of epic if you ask me .. can't wait for summer !!!

Friday, February 13, 2015

Valentine Getaway


Never neglect your time to reflect, I always try and take time out of my busy schedule to go back up north and absorb the fresh air of the evergreen. Fresh crisp forest air, good food, and beautiful creatures. I fed a wild wolf apples, and she walked right up to me. she was such a delicate but dangerous sweetie. There is something so breathe taking to see a wild creature be so trusting. I felt my inner Pocahontas coming out, not to mention I am part Cherokee so I really felt in touch with my roots. I need to take more time out of my life to come up here. Hiking to the top of a mountain to find a historical redwood tree with good friends and loved ones is hands down the one of the best experiences you'll have of your life. It was warm enough to wear a flowy kimono, over some lacey shorts and paired in some yellow wedges to match this Australian beauty. Amazing Trip stay tuned for more photos :)